Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Plot Diagram for Animal Farm

1.       Old Major assembled the animals and he told stories of a utopia where animals were in charge, man non-existent, food was plentiful, and where all animals were equal.
2.       Old major brought up plans of rebellion against Mr. Jones to bring the farm into animal control.
3.       A few days later old major died, but his words were still fresh in everyone’s mind
4.       With leadership from some of the other pigs on the farm, the animals rebelled against Mr. Jones and took Manor Farm
5.       The farm was renamed Animal Farm, and the pigs wrote the 7 commandments on the side of the barn. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed
No animal shall drink alcohol
No animal shall kill any other animal
All animals are equal
6.       Harvests have been done in record times without guidance of the humans.
7.       Snowball and Napoleon begin to emerge as leaders
8.       The 7 commandments were simplified with just (4 legs good, 2 legs bad)
9.       Napoleon took 9 puppies and hid them in an attic to t
10.   Jones returned, with help, to take back farm. But Snowball, with the help of books about Julius Ceasar, were able to hold the humans off of their farm.
11.   Snowball began pushing for a windmill to be built on the farm. Napoleon opposed.
12.   When giving speeches, Napoleon called in his dogs to chase Snowball off of the farm.
13.   Napoleon started to take a leadership role that involved making decisions without consulting the other animals
14.   Napoleon has Squealer preach that Napoleon was always for the windmill and that it would be completed after all
15.   With the help of Boxer and his heavy lifting, the animals completed the windmill
16.   Shortly afterwards, the windmill collapsed, Napoleon blamed it on Snowball
17.   Napoleon killed all the animals who confessed their loyalty to Snowball
18.   The windmill got completed
19.   One of the neighbouring farmers, Frederick, showed up at Animal Farm with many men and tried to take over the farm.
20.   The men were able to blow up the windmill before the animals were able to get them off of the farm
21.   It was decided that the windmill would be rebuilt yet again
22.   As Boxer was bringing boulders from the quarry, he fell and hurt himself
23.   The pigs decided to sell Boxer to a glue company. By the time the animals found out , it was too late to save their beloved Boxer.
24.   Squealer told the farm that Boxer was treated with as much care as possible in efforts to keep a horse alive
25.   The pigs invited other farmers over to the farmhouse
26.   The pigs were walking two legs, drinking beer, and confronting man
27.   They also removed the hoof and horn from the flag of the farm.
28.   In addition, the name was reverted back to “Manor Farm”
29.                   Finally, Animalism was abolished and everything was as it was originally.

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